Friday, January 27, 2012

Epic Fail :(

As far as faculty advisor meetings go, I haven't met with Ms. Caspers in a couple of weeks (my fault). The last time I met with her we talked about the project components for my idea and I haven't been back to talk to her yet.

This week can probably be best considered as my "lazy" week where all I did was more research. So, yes I have gained more information then last week but the only reason why because I wasn't working on anything else. This weekend the plan is to get caught up on everything that is missing in this class plus try to get a little further ahead with new information and a strong start on my paper.

These are the websites that I found so far:

Sidenote: Writer's block effects more than just authors.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week Number Two :)

Considering I didn't turn in my intro last Friday I now see that the timeline and managing my time in class needs some adjusting. Today more assignments were assigned and there are still other assignments to be completed. So,yeah the lesson has been learned for the timeline.

When I was actually trying to write the intro I was able to find information from the 2010 census that had information on poverty in United States. The documents that were found had statics for poverty including children in poverty. 

The next steps for this week are completing my intro, meeting with Ms. Caspers, working on paper and blog entry for this week.

Waiting Approval...

My first faculty advisor meeting about my proposals was on Wednesday of last week with Ms. Caspers. She did her best to help me come up with a project component for helping children in poverty. The one suggestion she gave me was talking to my parents and other people I know that could give input on my idea. The rest of the week was spent completing the final proposal and brainstorming ideas for a project. Somehow while looking through my DRMA projects I got the idea of designing a park (playground) in areas around the world where poverty is high in youth. Also, creating a marketable product that will help raise money for the project. Then Mrs. Philbrick gave me the idea of a website and cell phone application. So this is where I'm at for week one with my senior design project